Thursday, 6 December 2012

New UV curing laboratory concept for inks.

Jenton have developed a laboratory UV curing test system that can simulate single pass UV cure exposure at speeds up to 500m/min. A new benchtop system allows sample materials to be coated with appropriate inks/coatings and then accurately and consistently moved at speeds from 20 to 500 m/min. When the set speed is reached and is stable a UV source is exposed to the sample for one pass only. The Jenton unit can be fitted with a wide range of UV sources, enabling true testing of actual customer parameters. Microwave and Arc UV curing systems and the latest LED UV curing systems can all be used. The first system is installed in Jenton’s showroom in Whitchurch, Hants. Customers are invited to test the system with their own inks and materials. For further information, please contact Richard Little or Jeremy Woodbridge.