Monday, 26 September 2016

Jenton at the 2016 PPMA Show

It’s that time of year again

       The PPMA Show

PPMA Show 2016 - register here

Not everyone knows that Jenton was one of the founder members of the PPMA back in 1987 (one of only 3 left) and we’ve exhibited at every show since the first one in 1988.There are over 450 members, most of which exhibit at OUR show and it’s a great place to see what’s new and also to say hi to old friends..

This year Jenton will be showcasing our portfolio of testing and inspection equipment from our brands Ariana (seal testing) and Dimaco (vision inspection and verification). 
It’s all made in the UK, as are our UV Disinfection and UV Curing Systems

There will be a full range of Banding Machines including our own home grown automation and our new brand, Jenton BANDIT®.

Visiting us from Canada are the Emplex team with their range of Bag Sealers and new gas flush sealers.

Please – cancel that meeting and come to Birmingham


                       You won't regret it!